If you stumbled upon Curls en Route and ended up on this contact page, then we probably need to talk! But why reach out?
5 Reasons to Contact Me
#1 Send me feedback
Are you a reader or a fan? I’d definitely love to hear from you. Tell me how I’ve helped you throughout your travels or how I might have inspired you in a way or another. I get such messages from people sometimes, and I’d have to say, that’s one main reason that keeps me going. So, if you feel that you want to share your feedback on my work with me, go ahead! I’d be more than glad if you do!
#2 Collaborate
Are you a travel blogger like myself? Let’s connect and help each other grow! I publish collab posts on my blog all the time, linking back to some of the most awesome travel bloggers. I also contribute to other travel websites with guest posts, as well as participating in collab posts.
Click here to view previous collabs.
#3 Get Featured
I recently started a series of interviews where I feature travelers with inspiring stories worth sharing. So, if you believe your story is worth telling, reach out, pitch it, and sell it to me.
Click here to view previous features.
P.S. I do NOT accept guest posts or link insertions on the blog.
P.P.S. Not accepting Interviews and features published on Curls en Route at the moment.
#4 Work With Me
Are you a travel-focused business or a brand that fits within my niche? I have several services that I could offer you like:
- Sponsored Posts
- Social Media Campaigns
- Sponsored Blog Posts
- Reviews
- Affiliate Links
- Ambassadorships
- Contests and Giveaways
- Press Trips
P.S: I only work with brands that I like, resonate with, and align with my core values.
If you’re interested in content creation for your own website, I also happen to be a freelance writer and I could offer you SEO-optimized blog content for your travel business. So, if you’re looking for someone, I’m your go-to writer!
#5 Interview Me
Do you like my content? Do you think my story is worth sharing? If you’re from a travel website or press, feel free to reach out for an interview.
Click here to view previous press and media recognitions.

What are you waiting for? Hit me up on Facebook, Instagram, send an e-mail to contact@curlsenroute.com, or simply fill out the form below.